Здравствуйте, купил себе такой LCD: SainSmart 3.2"TFT LCD Display+Touch Panel+PCB adapter SD Slot 4 Arduino mega2560 Попытался загрузить скетч-пример, но экран светится только белым Кто-нибудь работал с ним? как его оживить?
Так же пытался использовать библиотеку UTFT: Код (C): // UTFT_Demo_320x240 (C)2012 Henning Karlsen // web: http://www.henningkarlsen.com/electronics // // This program is a demo of how to use most of the functions // of the library with a supported display modules. // // This demo was made for modules with a screen resolution // of 320x240 pixels. // // This program requires the UTFT library. // #include <UTFT.h> // Declare which fonts we will be using extern uint8_t SmallFont[]; // Uncomment the next line for Arduino 2009/Uno //UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S,19,18,17,16); // Remember to change the model parameter to suit your display module! // Uncomment the next line for Arduino Mega UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S,38,39,40,41); // Remember to change the model parameter to suit your display module! void setup() { randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // Setup the LCD myGLCD.InitLCD(); myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); } void loop() { int buf[318]; int x, x2; int y, y2; int r; // Clear the screen and draw the frame myGLCD.clrScr(); myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0); myGLCD.fillRect(0, 0, 319, 13); myGLCD.setColor(64, 64, 64); myGLCD.fillRect(0, 226, 319, 239); myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255); myGLCD.setBackColor(255, 0, 0); myGLCD.print("* Universal Color TFT Display Library *", CENTER, 1); myGLCD.setBackColor(64, 64, 64); myGLCD.setColor(255,255,0); myGLCD.print("<http://www.sainsmart.com>", CENTER, 227); myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 255); myGLCD.drawRect(0, 14, 319, 225); // Draw crosshairs myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 255); myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 0, 0); myGLCD.drawLine(159, 15, 159, 224); myGLCD.drawLine(1, 119, 318, 119); for (int i=9; i<310; i+=10) myGLCD.drawLine(i, 117, i, 121); for (int i=19; i<220; i+=10) myGLCD.drawLine(157, i, 161, i); // Draw sin-, cos- and tan-lines myGLCD.setColor(0,255,255); myGLCD.print("Sin", 5, 15); for (int i=1; i<318; i++) { myGLCD.drawPixel(i,119+(sin(((i*1.13)*3.14)/180)*95)); } myGLCD.setColor(255,0,0); myGLCD.print("Cos", 5, 27); for (int i=1; i<318; i++) { myGLCD.drawPixel(i,119+(cos(((i*1.13)*3.14)/180)*95)); } myGLCD.setColor(255,255,0); myGLCD.print("Tan", 5, 39); for (int i=1; i<318; i++) { myGLCD.drawPixel(i,119+(tan(((i*1.13)*3.14)/180))); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); myGLCD.setColor(0, 0, 255); myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 0, 0); myGLCD.drawLine(159, 15, 159, 224); myGLCD.drawLine(1, 119, 318, 119); // Draw a moving sinewave x=1; for (int i=1; i<(318*20); i++) { x++; if (x==319) x=1; if (i>319) { if ((x==159)||(buf[x-1]==119)) myGLCD.setColor(0,0,255); else myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.drawPixel(x,buf[x-1]); } myGLCD.setColor(0,255,255); y=119+(sin(((i*1.1)*3.14)/180)*(90-(i / 100))); myGLCD.drawPixel(x,y); buf[x-1]=y; } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some filled rectangles for (int i=1; i<6; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: myGLCD.setColor(255,0,255); break; case 2: myGLCD.setColor(255,0,0); break; case 3: myGLCD.setColor(0,255,0); break; case 4: myGLCD.setColor(0,0,255); break; case 5: myGLCD.setColor(255,255,0); break; } myGLCD.fillRect(70+(i*20), 30+(i*20), 130+(i*20), 90+(i*20)); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some filled, rounded rectangles for (int i=1; i<6; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: myGLCD.setColor(255,0,255); break; case 2: myGLCD.setColor(255,0,0); break; case 3: myGLCD.setColor(0,255,0); break; case 4: myGLCD.setColor(0,0,255); break; case 5: myGLCD.setColor(255,255,0); break; } myGLCD.fillRoundRect(190-(i*20), 30+(i*20), 250-(i*20), 90+(i*20)); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some filled circles for (int i=1; i<6; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: myGLCD.setColor(255,0,255); break; case 2: myGLCD.setColor(255,0,0); break; case 3: myGLCD.setColor(0,255,0); break; case 4: myGLCD.setColor(0,0,255); break; case 5: myGLCD.setColor(255,255,0); break; } myGLCD.fillCircle(100+(i*20),60+(i*20), 30); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some lines in a pattern myGLCD.setColor (255,0,0); for (int i=15; i<224; i+=5) { myGLCD.drawLine(1, i, (i*1.44)-10, 224); } myGLCD.setColor (255,0,0); for (int i=224; i>15; i-=5) { myGLCD.drawLine(318, i, (i*1.44)-11, 15); } myGLCD.setColor (0,255,255); for (int i=224; i>15; i-=5) { myGLCD.drawLine(1, i, 331-(i*1.44), 15); } myGLCD.setColor (0,255,255); for (int i=15; i<224; i+=5) { myGLCD.drawLine(318, i, 330-(i*1.44), 224); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some random circles for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { myGLCD.setColor(random(255), random(255), random(255)); x=32+random(256); y=45+random(146); r=random(30); myGLCD.drawCircle(x, y, r); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some random rectangles for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { myGLCD.setColor(random(255), random(255), random(255)); x=2+random(316); y=16+random(207); x2=2+random(316); y2=16+random(207); myGLCD.drawRect(x, y, x2, y2); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); // Draw some random rounded rectangles for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { myGLCD.setColor(random(255), random(255), random(255)); x=2+random(316); y=16+random(207); x2=2+random(316); y2=16+random(207); myGLCD.drawRoundRect(x, y, x2, y2); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { myGLCD.setColor(random(255), random(255), random(255)); x=2+random(316); y=16+random(209); x2=2+random(316); y2=16+random(209); myGLCD.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2); } delay(2000); myGLCD.setColor(0,0,0); myGLCD.fillRect(1,15,318,224); for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) { myGLCD.setColor(random(255), random(255), random(255)); myGLCD.drawPixel(2+random(316), 16+random(209)); } delay(2000); myGLCD.fillScr(0, 0, 255); myGLCD.setColor(255, 0, 0); myGLCD.fillRoundRect(80, 70, 239, 169); myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255); myGLCD.setBackColor(255, 0, 0); myGLCD.print("That's it!", CENTER, 93); myGLCD.print("Restarting in a", CENTER, 119); myGLCD.print("few seconds...", CENTER, 132); myGLCD.setColor(0, 255, 0); myGLCD.setBackColor(0, 0, 255); myGLCD.print("Runtime: (msecs)", CENTER, 210); myGLCD.printNumI(millis(), CENTER, 225); delay (10000); } Результат тот же
Попробуйте такой скетч: Код (C): //Bench.ino //Maël - 01/03/2013 //Mesure le temps de différentes methodes des lib UTFT et UTouch et envoi les temps sur le port Serie (115200 bauds) #include <UTFT.h> #include <UTouch.h> #include "icon.h" // Declare which fonts we will be using extern uint8_t SmallFont[]; extern uint8_t BigFont[]; extern uint8_t SevenSegNumFont[]; // Tft, touchscreen for Arduino Mega UTFT myGLCD(ITDB32S,38,39,40,41); UTouch myTouch(6,5,4,3,2); extern unsigned int icon[0x400]; //pointeur de fonction simple typedef void TFunction(void); typedef struct { TFunction * process; //pointeur sur la methode à chronometrer String text; //nom du test (apparaitra sur la console) } TProcessInfo; void InitTFT() { // Setup the LCD, touch screen myGLCD.InitLCD(LANDSCAPE); myTouch.InitTouch(LANDSCAPE); myTouch.setPrecision(PREC_LOW); //PREC_MEDIUM myGLCD.clrScr(); } void MeasureDrawPixel(void) { myGLCD.drawPixel(0,0); } void MeasureDraw10Pixels(void) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) myGLCD.drawPixel(i,i); } void MeasureSetColor() { myGLCD.setColor(255, 255, 255); } void MeasureSetBackColor() { myGLCD.setBackColor(64, 64, 64); } void MeasureFillRoundRect() { myGLCD.fillRoundRect(10, 10, 50, 50); } void MeasureDrawRoundRect() { myGLCD.drawRoundRect(110, 10, 150, 50); } void MeasureDrawLine() { myGLCD.drawLine(210, 10, 250, 50); } void MeasureDrawVLine() { myGLCD.drawLine(270, 10, 270, 50); } void MeasureDrawHLine() { myGLCD.drawLine(230, 20, 270, 20); } void MeasureFillRect() { myGLCD.fillRect(100, 100, 50, 150); } void MeasureSetSmallFont() { myGLCD.setFont(SmallFont); } void MeasurePrintText() { myGLCD.print("001", 1, 1); } void MeasurePrintTextAbc() { myGLCD.print("Abc", 1, 1); } void MeasureSetBigFont() { myGLCD.setFont(BigFont); } void MeasureclrScr() { myGLCD.clrScr(); } void MeasureBitmap() { myGLCD.drawBitmap (200, 10, 32, 32, icon); } void MeasurePrintNum() { int num = 123; myGLCD.printNumI(num, 200, 100); } void MeasureTouch_dataAvailable() { boolean b = myTouch.dataAvailable(); } void MeasureTouch_read() { myTouch.read(); } void MeasureTouch_getxy() { int x=myTouch.getX(); int y=myTouch.getY(); } //Liste des méthodes à mesurer #define LIST_COUNT 22 TProcessInfo ListOfMeasures[LIST_COUNT] = { { MeasureclrScr, "clrScr" }, { MeasureDrawPixel, "DrawPixel" }, { MeasureDraw10Pixels, "DrawPixel x 10" }, { MeasureSetColor, "SetColor" }, { MeasureSetBackColor, "SetBackColor" }, { MeasureFillRoundRect, "FillRoundRect 40x40" }, { MeasureDrawRoundRect, "DrawRoundRect 40x40" }, { MeasureDrawLine, "drawLine 40x40" }, { MeasureDrawVLine, "draw Vertical Line 40" }, { MeasureDrawHLine, "draw Horizontal Line 40" }, { MeasureFillRect, "FillRect 40x40" }, { MeasureSetSmallFont, "SetSmallFont" }, { MeasurePrintText, "Print 001" }, { MeasurePrintTextAbc, "Print Abc" }, { MeasurePrintNum, "printNumI(123)" }, { MeasureSetBigFont, "SetBigFont" }, { MeasurePrintText, "Print 001" }, { MeasurePrintNum, "printNumI(123)" }, { MeasureBitmap, "draw bitmap 32x32" }, //Mesure des optimisations sur UTouch (en debogage) { MeasureTouch_dataAvailable, "Touch Screen DataAvailable"}, { MeasureTouch_read, "Touch Screen Read"}, { MeasureTouch_getxy, "Touch Screen getX, getY"} }; void Measure() { Serial.println("start..."); unsigned long ChronoAll = micros(); for (int i = 0; i < LIST_COUNT; i++) { if ( ListOfMeasures[i].process != NULL) { unsigned long ChronoOne = micros(); ListOfMeasures[i].process(); ChronoOne = micros() - ChronoOne; Serial.print(ChronoOne, DEC); Serial.print(" us : "); Serial.println(ListOfMeasures[i].text); } } ChronoAll = micros() - ChronoAll; Serial.print("finish in "); Serial.print(ChronoAll, DEC); Serial.println(" us."); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("ready."); InitTFT(); Measure(); } void loop() { } Источник: Arduino.cc Полистайте там форум, быть может решите свою проблему. Удачи.
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