Всем привет. Подключил 433 приемник к arduino nano. Использую код для получения информации с датчика oregon Код (Text): char params[255]; class DecodeOOK { protected: byte total_bits, bits, flip, state, pos, data[25]; virtual char decode(word width) = 0; public: enum { UNKNOWN, T0, T1, T2, T3, OK, DONE }; DecodeOOK () { resetDecoder(); } bool nextPulse(word width) { if (state != DONE) switch (decode(width)) { case -1: resetDecoder(); break; case 1: done(); break; } return isDone(); } bool isDone () const { return state == DONE; } const byte* getData (byte& count) const { count = pos; return data; } void resetDecoder() { total_bits = bits = pos = flip = 0; state = UNKNOWN; } // add one bit to the packet data buffer virtual void gotBit (char value) { total_bits++; byte *ptr = data + pos; *ptr = (*ptr >> 1) | (value << 7); if (++bits >= 8) { bits = 0; if (++pos >= sizeof data) { resetDecoder(); return; } } state = OK; } // store a bit using Manchester encoding void manchester(char value) { flip ^= value; // manchester code, long pulse flips the bit gotBit(flip); } // move bits to the front so that all the bits are aligned to the end void alignTail(byte max =0) { // align bits if (bits != 0) { data[pos] >>= 8 - bits; for (byte i = 0; i < pos; ++i) data[i] = (data[i] >> bits) | (data[i+1] << (8 - bits)); bits = 0; } // optionally shift bytes down if there are too many of 'em if (max > 0 && pos > max) { byte n = pos - max; pos = max; for (byte i = 0; i < pos; ++i) data[i] = data[i+n]; } } void reverseBits() { for (byte i = 0; i < pos; ++i) { byte b = data[i]; for (byte j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { data[i] = (data[i] << 1) | (b & 1); b >>= 1; } } } void reverseNibbles() { for (byte i = 0; i < pos; ++i) data[i] = (data[i] << 4) | (data[i] >> 4); } void done() { while (bits) gotBit(0); // padding state = DONE; } }; class OregonDecoderV2 : public DecodeOOK { public: OregonDecoderV2() {} // add one bit to the packet data buffer virtual void gotBit (char value) { if(!(total_bits & 0x01)) { data[pos] = (data[pos] >> 1) | (value ? 0x80 : 00); } total_bits++; pos = total_bits >> 4; if (pos >= sizeof data) { resetDecoder(); return; } state = OK; } virtual char decode(word width) { if (200 <= width && width < 1200) { byte w = width >= 700; switch (state) { case UNKNOWN: if (w != 0) { // Long pulse ++flip; } else if (w == 0 && 24 <= flip) { // Short pulse, start bit flip = 0; state = T0; } else { // Reset decoder return -1; } break; case OK: if (w == 0) { // Short pulse state = T0; } else { // Long pulse manchester(1); } break; case T0: if (w == 0) { // Second short pulse manchester(0); } else { // Reset decoder return -1; } break; } } else if (width >= 2500 && pos >= 8) { return 1; } else { return -1; } return 0; } }; OregonDecoderV2 orscV2; //////////////////////////////////// volatile word pulse; void oregonrd(void) { static word last; pulse = micros() - last; last += pulse; } float temperature(const byte* data) { int sign = (data[6]&0x8) ? -1 : 1; float temp = ((data[5]&0xF0) >> 4)*10 + (data[5]&0xF) + (float)(((data[4]&0xF0) >> 4) / 10.0); return sign * temp; } byte humidity(const byte* data) { return (data[7]&0xF) * 10 + ((data[6]&0xF0) >> 4); } // Ne retourne qu'un apercu de l'etat de la baterie : 10 = faible byte battery(const byte* data) { return (data[4] & 0x4) ? 10 : 90; } byte channel(const byte* data) { byte channel; switch (data[2]) { case 0x10: channel = 1; break; case 0x20: channel = 2; break; case 0x40: channel = 3; break; } return channel; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// String reportSerial(const char* s, class DecodeOOK& decoder) { byte pos; const byte* data = decoder.getData(pos); String vTemperatureData = ""; // Outside/Water Temp : THN132N,... if(data[0] == 0xEA && data[1] == 0x4C) { float tempC = temperature(data); char temp[5]; dtostrf(tempC,5,1,temp); sprintf(params,"deviceid=%s&channel=%i&themperature=%s&battery=%i","EA4C1083322340A3",channel(data),temp,battery(data)); vTemperatureData = params; } decoder.resetDecoder(); return vTemperatureData; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup () { Serial.begin(57600); attachInterrupt(0, oregonrd, CHANGE); } void loop() { static int i = 0; cli(); word p = pulse; pulse = 0; sei(); if (p != 0) { if (orscV2.nextPulse(p)) { String vData = reportSerial("OSV2", orscV2); Serial.println(vData); } } } Почему в выводе с в консоли только такая единственная строка и все deviceid=EA4C1083322340A3&channel=1&themperature= 27.9&battery=90 28016 Больше не меняется, ждал больше минуты. Что не так???
Разобрался. Дело было и в антенне, + код . Код брал здесь https://github.com/onlinux/OWL-CM18...d72f01ffb3477ba8083a4e/arduino/oregon_owl.ino